
If you still have questions after visiting this website please use our Support Forum or don't hesitate to contact us:

NL-4624 VS Bergen op Zoom


Frequently Asked Questions

You can also visit our Support Forum.

  • Q: Will Online Image Editor work with Firefox ?
    A: Yes, if you are using the Windows version of Firefox you can now run OIE after installing a small ActiveX plugin. Please check our 'How to use Online Image Editor in Firefox 1.5' page for more details.
  • Q: After the last IE update, OIE has a 'click here to activate' caption. Can it work automatically again?
    A: Yes, there luckily is a work-around. Please check our Internet Explorer update page for more details.
  • Q: Can I change the layout (colours, size etc) of OIE to fit my website/CMS?
    A: Yes, you have full control over the background colour. You can load OIE using a fixed and specified height and width. Besides you can make the size relative to the screen size. When the user would enlarge the screen or make the screen smaller als OIE would size accordingly.
  • Q: Can I change the layout (colours, size etc) of OIE to fit my website/CMS?
    A: Yes, you have full control over the background colour. You can load OIE using a fixed and specified height and width. Besides you can make the size relative to the screen size. When the user would enlarge the screen or make the screen smaller als OIE would size accordingly.
  • Q: Is possible to configure what buttons are displayed on the toolbar?
    A: Yes, you have full control over which buttons are shown on the toolbar. You can even specificy whether some of the options under a button should appear or not.
  • Q: Is it possible to turn off any of the features so that users cannot destroy photos but only crop/rotate them?
    A: Yes, you can turn on/off all menu options individually via a script and therefor for instance limiting the functionality only to crop & rotate. You can even define the crop and/or resize possibilities (min/max width and height or predefined sizes).
  • Q: Can I save graphics with OIE so that my customers later can easily change the content (for instance textual elements)?
    A: Yes, OIE includes it's own proprietary image format (.oie) that stores all layer and graphical elements information. You can create a 'template', e.g. a banner with 'type your companyname here'. When the customer opens the banner in OIE they can replace that text with their own and preserving all the other layout elements. They then would upload the image to server (as jpg, png or gif).
  • Q: Can I change the contents of the help function?
    A: Yes, you can specify the URL of the help file so you can make and brand your own help function.
  • Q: What do I have to install on my server to run OIE?
    A: You don't have to install anything! Just place OIE on your website and call it via a script (examples scripts in PHP, ASP, ASP.Net, JSP, ColdFusion and CGI executable are included). OIE is server platform independent: it runs on a Windows server, Linux server etc.
  • Q: What is the price for an unlimited version to be incorporated into a CMS or website?
    A: We have a not branded full redistributable license for Euro 399,95 (excl. VAT)
  • Q: Do you provide all future upgrades within the price of OIE?
    A: In any case all possible upgrades till a full new version might be released will be provided free of charge.
    If/when we would release a full new version we will decide whether we will provide free upgrades for existing clients or offer the new version with a discount.

"...I am very impressed!"

Dean Harman - UK

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